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Evaluating opportunities and obstacles

We assess individuals and their situations to guide them and facilitate optimal career scenarios.

How we evaluate situations

We help our clients to understand their legal position in employment situations and their rights under the Labour Standards Act and employment law. We assist them in comparatively benchmarking their compensation by industry, roles, markets and more to help them negotiate, provide rationale and shape opportunities. We are also handy to have in your corner as a sounding board or guide when navigating a wide range of leadership, communication and HR-related scenarios.

How we assess individuals

Career Lion offers several industry-leading competency and behavioural assessments. Whether used by you or applied to your organization, these assessments help connect people with organizations and careers in which they can thrive. Ensuring that you are using the right tool and interpreting the results properly, our expertise can be immensely useful in providing clarity, focus and direction by aligning your personality, aptitude and skills to the careers, jobs, teams and organizations that suit you best.